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Great Barrington,Mass., June 12,1913.

Rev. John Hedley, 
First M. E. Church, 
Visalia, Cal.
My dear Mr. Hedley: 
It was a delightful suprise to receive here your kind letter of June 2nd and to know that you are in America, but I hope that if the country proves agreeable to you your stay will exceed six months. I rememeber the very pleasant meeting with yourself and Mrs. Hedley at Tientsin and the advice you so kindly gave me proved valuable on my travels in Interior China. 
You are most kind in tendering your congratulations on my possession of the manuscript of the Four Gospels. The Four Gospels is one of several manuscripts secured at various times in Egypt, one of which - Deuteronomy and Joshua - has already been published in fac-smilie and like the Gospels, has been distributed to the great universities and libaries of the world. 
About February 1 I closed my residence and galleries in Detroit and have been spending the greater part of the time since in New York and vicinity. At present I am here for a few weeks, but shall return to Detroit next Fall. 
I do hope that sometime during that season you will be passing through Detroit and give me the pleasure of entertaining yourself and Mrs. Hedley, should she accompany you. I am a bachelor, but my home,