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#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan.

August 4, 1914.

Dr. Berthold Laufer,
Care, Field Museum,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Doctor Laufer:

I take pleasure in introducing to you my friend, Mr. D.K. Liu, a Chinese student connected with the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, and the University of Wisconsin, at Madison.

Mr. Liu has very kindly made many translations of the inscriptions on the Chinese art objects in my collection, and I feel deeply obligated to him.  Upon his return from Madison to Ann Arbor, he will pass through Chicago and is very anxious to see the collections in your charge at the Field Museum, and I trust that arrangements can be made accordingly.

Any courtesies that you may extend to Mr. Liu will be considered as personal by me.

With most hearty endorsement of Mr. Liu and with every good wish to yourself, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,