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suggestion. You will recall that you also suggested that I should write to her on the subject, believing as you said, that my letter, if written, "could still influence her a good deal". This proposal I declined and said I believed that I could not influence her to co-operate with you and then mentioned her objections and my own to the proposed Grolier Club publication, which I felt you should have joined us in opposing, knowing as you did full well Mr. Whistler's pronounced objections to re-production of his etchings. Following this statement you disclaimed any kind of connection with the Grolier - Whistler exhibition or publication, and I then stated that your official connection with the Club as its President, together with the committee work you had done so successfully for many years, gave you great influence with the entire membership, and that if you had wielded your influence in behalf of Mr. Whistler's expressed wishes you would have doubtless received different treatment from Miss Birnie-Philip in the Caxton work. You will remember, too, that I emphasized