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No. 33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 8th., 1906.

My dear Mr. Morse:-

Your good letter of October thirty-first came and disappointed me somewhat with the news that you could not stop off at Detroit on your way to New York, still I was afraid from the start that you could not shape your plans to do so. You are very good to wish me so enjoyable a trip and I thank both Mrs. Morse and yourself for your kindness.

It will be a great pleasure to obtain photographs of such Buddhistic art as I may find possible during my journeys to the places where such things exist. During my earlier trip to the Orient I found the photographs obtainable in India and Ceylon, as a rule, almost worthless, but I fancy by this time much better things can be had. I shall do my very best for you.

Matsuki arrived day before yesterday carrying the Kakei in great triumph. It is in my opinion the most beautiful paintings of a landscape I have ever seen. It bears important evidence, not only as an object of art, but in other respects of its being a genuine specimen of Kakei, and if it is really his work it is, of course, one of the