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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
March 28th, 1907.

Charles L. Freer, Esq.,
Care, Hong Kong, Shanghai Bank,
Yokohama, Japan.

Dear Mr. Freer:-

Since my letter of the 21st instants, the following mail matter has been received:-

No.345. Letter from Tanius Girgis, Kencj, Egypt,
No.346. Letter from Mr. Griffith of the Art Museum,
No.347. Letter and catalog from Mr. F.J. Flagg, Toledo,
No.348. Printed matter from The Players Club,
No.349. Printed card from National Arts Club,
No.350. Printed card from Messrs. R. C. & N. M. Vose,
No.351. Printed matter from the Caxton Club,
No.352. Printed matter from the Fine Arts Society, Detroit,
No.353. Printed matter from Mich. Cap, A. I. A.,
No.354. Printed matter from E. E. Cadwell & Co., Detroit,
No.355. Printed matter from American Art Galleries,
No.356. Printed card Mr. Arthur Studd,
No.357. Printed matter from Houghton, Mifflin & Co.,
No.358. Printed matter from Grolier Club,
No.359. Photograph of Whistler painting from Messrs. Vose.

The receipt of numbers 345, 346 and 347 have been acknowledged, likewise 359. No. 359 is the photograph referred to in the Messrs. Vose's letter of the 18th inst., which I enclosed you in my earlier letter.

A letter postmarked Pompfret Center, Conn., addressed to you, with an endorsement on the envelope to be held until your arrival, was received this morning. As I have heretofore sent you two letters postmarked Pompfret, I assume you have replied thereto, and the letter received to-day with directions to hold until your arrival, is in accordance with your wishes. 

Col. Hecker wrote you yesterday of the receipt of your cablegram from Singapore, stating that you were sailing for Hong Kong and would arrive there on April 3rd.

Charley leaves the first of the month to accept an out side position with the Detroit Lumber Company. I haven't yet found a boy to take his place, but hope to do so next week.

The usual dividend on Standard Oil was received last week -  15%- and the present cash balance in the Banks is $45,820.00

Nothing else of consequence has transpired since my last letter. Stephen was down this morning, and reports everything all right 

Transcription Notes:
there are 2 unsure words to transcribe