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5 Jan

Mike Gremellon - R19 & subs FSSR baselining. CB inputs on making them more user-oriented = Ref documents in Ops time-frame: Re-think FSSR role, content more like User's Guide? Pulsed JR, Jeff, Dale for inputs.

Open issues:

• PCMMU RAM reformatting 
-RID (Robatelli)
-SSD (Kenyon)

Ref 16/12/80 
ASR due 13/1/81

• SM CPU loading - related to above
• "Root cause" message distinction: Brand, Onermeyer, Gremellon
• SIT IMU RM funnies Fitts

Pennington - state vector data for HP41 target acqms2 calc5 time homogeneity? Too many params for 1 CRT read-out precursor. Single pt
ICC'd to SM; 1/2 H3 process buffer update

II keep tag-up w/JO on on-board disp of AOS/LDS wrt grd track

No! Mem spec packs component words together on each line of the spec, so that only every 4th address is needed