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27 jan [Seasonal 1/L brief to John/[[?]] on Mon 2nd 0930 R18 [[triangle symbol]] Wed 4th 1000-1200. . AM quad select - manually [[?]] past antennae - lock up. (DDS) why is PAUSE regd @ each rot. [sw?]] position ? R19/R20 IMV guys in R19 19565; 19991; 29735 Rel Nav spec (19785) R19 Ent. controls - Ivy to IBM; how much saved if 1/2 hooked up? Deck to re-address criticality of the sec act [[arrow symbol]] 29520 - get w/ GAP, Hoffman; Hold til 2nd Feb. 29861 - Mated coast filter schedule as last item to build for 19 pending STS-1 data [[arrow symbol]] IBM still looking @ CR vs R/W issue. R19 plans 19.1 = OTT only + 18.11 (19.1 based on 18.10) 19.2 = scrub + compools - GN &[[?]] C 19.3 [[arrow symbol]] 6 CR's .5, .6 = IUS, HUD, flt experience CR's