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10 FeB 0900 Wed - RCS RM meeting Kraft/Yardley telecon on 9th - RI educated that Flt 2 will not go w/R16 s/w OTT due in SAIL/SMS in Apr & May (R18 OTT tape) BFS not planning OTT until T12 release R18 Δ's to be briefed Thurs 0930 11 Feb R19/20 issues mtg [[5 Column Table]] | --- | --- | SSD | FoD | Dispos n | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Ent cutls | 29444, 29688 | 20 | 19(SCB) | SCB | | Ku Comm Disp | 29520 | 19 | 19 | 19 | | H-Sit XHAC | 29774 (i/l Scrub) | 20 | 20 | 20 | | Sel inh SSME | 29775 | 20 | 19 | SCB | | Ase ADI Relmat | 29982 | 19 | 20 | 19 | | Orb Dap damode | 29926 | 20 | 20 | 20 R/W | | Rel Nav Spcc | 19785 | 20 | 19 (SPAS impact? | | | Alt Elevo | cr | | | | Ent cutls - removes S R/W's from sys; gets SEC Act & saves APU fuel. FOD -> program decision If pushed to 20, new alt elevn sched 19785 - Crrn / update to 12818 (?) Supposedly not RR/Spec interface impact .. SPAS hit