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3 Mar Conltas/Kuchero - CR data base 3 Level II term's = bldg 1 (6th fe) Data line KSC, +1 term 2nd fe. NSTL, MSFC. JSC ( = IMS Info mgmt service) WSMR, RID -> Kuchero to dig around on resources • Word processor to go w/ sorter • Check "fetch" capability of IMS (10-15 Junes, text, e.g.) • Put on more specific sorts eg subsystem -> CB Plans (HP sys) & personnel KSC/RID can pull out MG repts in their terminals MG can accept order by phone & prunt @ other loc CB could maintain summary file, MG maunt status file & merge foe repts MG working seperate 18/11 DR file on IMS. 4 Mar update - Kuchera found current BARS sys is capable of handling text 0 inefficient CPU use, but apparently, no leruxts on # lines