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3 Mar
TK FOD SM DDS Review 17 Mar 0930 4/LIB.
   Kuchera/Coultas date base talk
   "How to do business" memo
*FSD Layoffs => 201 tray load 6/15
    should skip 18.8 and go to 18.11 June training load

5 Mar
Baykin - RCS yet reproduce/Demand DAP interact
            meeting next wk to coord CR's

Bull-STS-2 S/W
RFS 11.2 build 3/2/81
         Test in labs 3/9/81
         Closed-loop devel test 3/23/81

    11.2 Class A deliv. 3/16/81 to 13M
    for 18.11 Class C deliv 3/31/81
Pass 18.11 Class C 3/31
     IDT 2.1.1 orb/ent to 13M 3/3
         for 3/31 R18.11 release
     Phase IDT for 18.12 delivery 6/2
          2.1.2 to 13M 4/16
             Asc;abort;A/E disp.
     2.1.3 to 13M 4/30
R16 PS11 Mec SOP (CR 39244)
         TACAN 1/C's