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STS-1 debrief notes *Several momentary HYD [[?]] W's @ staging or MECO (see webb timeline) *MPS alarms- btw dump [[?]] OMS-1 L engine due to leak reg P drops off dustom of regs- [[?]] ? ASC *FE alarm in SSME bucket Comm OK @ 1/2 level on ascent Exceeded 3T range safety lines with [[?]] 434 KEAS MAX Activity quite (feasible [[strikethrough]] sta[[?]] to M14 ascent BUS TLE possible saw max ~24 KN (when cryo liters ON) * delete HTRS on if clw fixed 11 kft high @ sta[[?]]; 5 nm high @ MECO ORB Can't hear alt PRCS (can feel them); FWD PRCS like cannons! No VECS aural cues OMS - soft start, smooth MPS dump effects [[?]] can't see OMS firings from AFD * [[?]] sys stinks MPS stow causes vehicle chattering vibern-bells step @ 1% *MPS ULL P alerts maybe good clue that umbilical plate sep has occurred [[underline]] FUEL CELLS [[underline]] - [[^]]auto[[^]] purge seq fails flow rates & O2 purge [[written below]]360 vs 300 limit [[written below]] Ln T checks [[underline]]Truly[[underline]]: get auto seq out go manual-do only 2/day. [[double underline]]SMS bad[[double underline]] on: FES activation; dump line heating time; sep cues (SRB & ET); lighting IMU/ST/COAS super; COAS highly repeatable dispite kicking it