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11 May 81


Fri 8 May- Kranz direction- to timeline a 1-day extended flt
  -to put by RCS using DTO's on D/O-1 day
     (also best SIR-A day)
  -chg RMS from full day 2/ 1/2 day 3 to
      3 half days
FSL starring up PTI runs this week
Sim planning panel disapproved RMS jettison [[?]]; [[?]] to fight wireless headset in work- to fly as FTO!

Pst-ins PBD & IMV:
  Fitts proposing 1 was cal; [[?]] U/L; IMV-IMV align;
    star align (single pair, all platforms)
  FD GPC still [[?]] [[?]]update it @ OMS-3
    ~4 hrs later (Ops 3)
                  2 2 per day aligns
                  3 perhaps delete accelum cal
PBD-delete 1st latch test, time them during opening
    open centerlines & R door partcally; do the [[?]]
      open partial left; button up entirely.
    if ok, & all motors, do AUTO open.
  Day 4 PBD test repro's [[?]][[?]] /tests 

Crew Mtg
   Schedule worked KSC-JSC-RID on Sat; mgmt to hear Thurs
    Trying for 25 Sept launch, (test + mod deletion)
   PODs [[?]] FRCS to HMF.
   SSME pumps loosened,GSE problem for removal
   Powerdown on Wed for mods