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TITLE _____________________
Project No.____
Book No.___  

From Page No.__

Per 10/26/87 letter from SR Lewehen (SP-OPI) to D.G. Wiseman (ED) KSC providing HANGAR 'S' space as host center OEX site legr allocates space and schedules turnover, install JSC may not use OEX Hangar 5 space for other projects

23 Nov 87
STS-3 MTG Flight plan review (de-scope) }
teleprinter rules                       } in work
de-scoping post - insertion timeline    }

USAF - funded RMS sim at Grumman constrained motion 6 D.O.F (vice 4 DOF on SPAR floor) January 1982

AV Week - IUS pathfinder stage is at cape for procedures/timeline - Find out who, where...

Pilots meeting
Vehicle status: Ferrying from EDW on Wed, ETE uncertain
As of Friday past CDDT is ON for STZ-3 /goes away on STZ-4 (crip)
SAIL OSS testing starting 30 NOV 87 (GTS)
IUS testing underway, ยจ~10 days.
FSL starting INS/D/O verification today.
SMS 30z load done 1 Dec 87 for standalone. Integrated sim ~2 wks later

CRP says probably will be DIT on STS-3.

To Page No._____

Witnessed & Understood by me, ____________________
Date _________
Invented by ____________________
Recorded by ____________________
Date ____________

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 10:35:57 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 14:14:39 ----------