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14 Project No._________ Book No.________ Title_____________________________________________ 30 NOV Don Weinberg on SOO31 Big cargo input; keypunching today. Flimsy 12/7; review later that week. Passed wireless comm input S0002-pretty far behind on preps. also up for review week of 12/7 7 DEC 81 KSC STATUS Launch wk of 3/12/82 Aim for 2000 pwr down - contingent on 3 IPR's: a)IPR 997(In-flt and m7) APU 1 WSB flow restrns (not v/v fail dueelectroplating) b) IIFA 17 LOMS XFD VLV IND c) IFA 11 FES enters Today: Bringing HYD up for SSME reposn Set ups for Cryo 4 install Preps for APV 3 removal TPS inspectn on sked. 191 cavities FRSI A A area to go; RCC 20% cplt 191 cavities; 1st bonds done Sat No more pull testing until some works on "h20" problem (3 failed @2Psi, 1 @ 10PSI of the 6 that popped) RSS-found bad GSE encoder when 60 db signal applied to DECDR/RCVR removed earlier may be OK MSFC due in tomorrow FES-defective T sensors in A&B sys. A=Remote shdn T sensor B=Med- pt T sensor Items removed: FC1, H2 separator; OSTA-1; RMS EE; RD/SB PDV; HPOTP #3; CBSA; ELEVON ABLATORS; FC1 To Page No._____ Witnessed & Understood by me, ____________________ Date _________ Invented by ____________________ Recorded by ____________________ Date ____________
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 18:15:20
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 10:50:21