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17 7 Dec 87 TITLE __________________________ Project No. ______________ Book NO. ______________ From Page No. _____________ CEIT items 1. Hi-speed 16mm camera 2. MLR & cables 3. Sleep restraints 4. EEVT & cables 5. GAS expt controller & cables 6. OPS food water gun adapter 7. CBSA 8. RMS tools 9. P/L retention devices 10. New PDB tools 11. Rad disconnect (read rad deploy) 12. IECM & PDP grapple fixtures & tools 13. New Theod. bracket 14. PGU & cables 15. VCAP 70mm camera bracket 16. Velcro 17. Lockers 18. TV camera mount 19. Tool caddy 20. IFM procedures a)Av Bay fan ch/0 b)Humid sep byp c)RMS cable 50031 Reviews Cargo Sys internal review Wed 1000/ Rm 2073 O&C Full review 7/11/81 0900 3R17A/LCC Grabe Harmon 2184 (flimsies) S00002 Status [[right arrow]] Hardcopy final review Thurs 12/17 CS guys reviewing internally? To Page No. __________ Witnessed & Understood by me, __________________________ Date ___________ Invented by _____________ Recorded By ____________ Date ___________
Transcription Notes:
Headings and Title were not included
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 10:30:07
om Page No. _____________
To Page No. __________
Witnessed & Understood by me, __________________________
Date ___________
Invented by _____________
Recorded By ____________
Date ___________
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 08:49:28
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 10:53:53Project No. ______________
Book NO. ______________
TITLE __________________________