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7 Dec 87

TITLE __________________________
Project No. ______________
Book NO. ______________

From Page No. _____________

Theodolite fit check
John Casper (K&E)(201)285-5571
Rafael Garcia x4161 JSC

Rock, tilt & rotational play- seem to return to I .002- .0050
Spring tension & bearing clearance mods possible but ill defined
Issue of required accuracy worked by A2 earlier
No figure available from Blalock & Co
.002 x 1/8"
.005 x 10 of independent observers accd's to Hawley.

Other questions: - shorter cable?
- field computer to be used (can delete 4 pins
from connector if not)

Recorded observations that rot/tilt play "measureable" but 
H meas repeatable within I .002- .005.

8/12/81 Told Rafael Garcia we need to work data anal/reqmts end & not rush off on ill-defined H/W mods

Bill McMullen (Bi 13 x 2776) is reqmts guy.

HP bringing 3-D equipt to KSC for tgt location msmts
Jan 17-20

STS-2 only knew locations to +/- 1/2"
measured deflections .1"z; 1"y    accuracy? 

To Page No. __________

Witnessed & Understood by me, __________________________
Date ___________
Invented by _____________
Recorded By ____________
Date ___________

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 02:45:43