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23 12/9/81 TITLE ________________________ Project No.__________ Book No._______ From Page No. _____ STS-3 GAS 2 experiments: a) Thermal Switch parafin phase - change switch (zero pwr) 40W htrs to top plate until switched to heat pipes b) Heat pulse inject 8hr pulse & watch propagation 60W (also want to watch re-entry [[strikethrough]] pt [[strikethrough]] pulse - need to start a 4 1/2hr timer as close to D/O as poss) as of 12/9/81 timeline says 2 runs of thermal switch 1 runs of heat pulse Total 16 relay operations Commands STS-3 is unique because a) engr. eval nature b) desire to avoid htr 1/f design mods 2 relay cntl decoders in can, 3 relays each Pulse waveform: an ON from cntlr is immed. followed by OFF Relay 3 HOT = [[strikethrough]] Relay [[strikethrough]] Thermal switch ON 5 HOT = Heat pulse ON 4 HOT = BOTH EXPTS OFF; IF NONE ACTIVE = TIME HACK Interface test in OPF will use emergency shutdn mode from APC (crew controller) -Cmd 99 shuts off all hot relays -Key E successively then polls all relays O...N Contacts Marianne Dyson -------------- Timeline Dennis Krutsci -------------- JSC Ops (therm vac) Greg Henry ------------------ RI - TPS CS2-724-011 Malcolm Johnson/Tom Levan --- Stowage JSC/KSC Hangar S, South clean room 824-4976 To Page No._____ Witnessed & Understood by me, ____________________ Date _________ Invented by ____________________ Recorded by ____________________ Date ____________
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-29 20:25:49
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 11:00:33