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Project No. ____
Book No. _____
Title 5/11/82

From Page No.__
Dick Carlson on SSME's - SOO2O u actr problem
GNC and HYD working Yaw actr problem. Try Wayne Heath 9267

--> Heath: Running Indir. Act. Test (~~ SEC Act/FCS ok)
1ST run: erratic 2400 psi on PRI chan D, (+) stim
2nd run: same; confirmed to (-).
3rd run: (-) never popped B
4TH run: Bach (+), Never popped B

See △P too low; suspect contaminant on cntl spool or byp vlv.
Bringing in a lo wt actr for replacement
Need Thompson rails (400#)
FRT will be part of retest (w/ actr attached) - need to be re-tical to jack SSMIS'S ; PDB's closed
R/R must be horizontal (fill & bleed; nose gear lives are above fill point if bird vert.)

SOO17 CB/Viπ L-1 day activities per usual countdown plans
1 vs 2 STA's still TBD
Face-to-face NTD/OTC mtg.
VIπ brief; wx ; FDF
Hawley + suit tech for ossw1; Ox & su w/ cue cards for sw list. Wi for crew babysit.

Hawley says floors do not come out. He'd like window covers to be installed (fit check) & would like to verify lock works (key or combo) but won't remove em. coord. w/ AF/Ed Serene or Gary Paton 853-7871

5/12 Status overview
Replacement activator for yais on hand; sked re-assess @1300 (VAB, hydraulics impact)
CFES install NO GO! vertical (and beary fitting problem)
SSME GOX V VLV euronte due 5/13; need to make up & certify new tool- I/W today.

To Page No.___
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