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Project No._____
Book No._____
From Page No.__

5/20 Thursday status
Soft orb/stack made 1924 W
Hard mate 0140 Th
Shng removed 0430 (early)
Slow @ torquing 1 bolt; RI/D agreed to raise torque limit
55008 CTS @0730; ~ 1 1/2 hours down
T-0 leak checks I/W
Final SRB fluid samples passed
Cargo - Install Saturday
He servicing Sunday
FCE - ET sep cameras go in midnight
CDDT storage on 1st Fri
30 contraints to work in VAB

Rollout sked 0800 Wed.  Int FC test & SRB ord install to go.
0V-099: FAT ran Fri-Mon last wk.
MPS valves open item - cmds inadvertently masked
Bus fails all performed fro shorts (not realistic EPS loads)
Doors still in build-up; May not get rods installed @RMD
30 flipper doors, install just begun (sequential gas).
PLS/Docking light killed for STS - 6 & 7. Enhanced COAS (15 [[degree]] half cone)
instead. Prog. office concern w/install time for OV-099.
STS-3 on-orbit TACAN test results look real good; CR = 3K words

TCDT if no T-O by 2200 Sat, slide to 1100 Sun.
50007 manning: C^2 continuously @ WR or orb from comm cks to tanking
-> Water dispenser fit check w/ CFES? Action KS
KSC - WL in two; OX = COD & Exchg; Fishess = Doc's
EDW - Loren & KS as 1 [[degree]] exchange. SST & EPS Mals; TCS fams
(COD= Corey; Bagian= DOC)  Micro smpls, destowage

-> PAM SST available

To Page No.

[[5 columned table]]

Witnessed & Understood by me,|Date |Invented by |Recorded by | Date

Transcription Notes: site references "tanking tests" which is a step in preparing for launch... "to tanking" may refer to these tanking tests.