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Project No._____
Title_______  Book No._____  81

From Page No._
MLP @ RAD ~ 1200
Hard-down 1630
S0009 CTS 1400 RSS ROT cplt 1900
MDM 0335 installn cplt & elect mate. 4 missing screws for dust cover. 
SAIL MDM, non-flt tag delayed installn (paper work)
Pwr up 0500

Hail 1300 5/26, <1/4". Orb & ET inspections under PR, No dmg seen yet
SRB [[Strikethrough]] beyd [[/Strikethrough]] GN2 accum line leak 400 PSI found this a.m. Leak is in GSE accum accordian line; might replc w/ Schrader v/v @ accum. 
Awaiting MSFC call on need for actr alignment; leaning twd flying accum 
SRB gusset mod starts today. 8 shifts parallel; some DF1 snsrs move
Ref 5/18 DFI DAM (Driver Amp Module) WB RCDR GSE: 
Found 2 xformers (internal) smashed, 4 damaged in inspection
300 open TPS paper 
FCL 1 slow leak. 1% Δ↓ since VAB pwr dn. I/W w/ Houston
H2 TK2 sig. condnr (flt anom) leads not soldered well. 

Ops timeframe pad flow - 11 days. All preps parallel; no CDDT's 
Bob Reed says might try implement for STS-7
Ordnance guys negotiating ord install @ VAB w/ safety
guys; also hookup w/ pwr up (prior no volts test)
S0037 T-0 1400 WED 6/2
FCE - Stowing 3rd tonight for CDDT; destow midnt Tues. (6/1)

To Page No.___
Witnessed & Understood by me, 
Invented by 
Recorded by

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 22:48:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 23:01:22 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-31 10:06:46