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Wednesday, May 16th 3 - 6 P.M.

Mr. Leonard C. Hanna
213 East 49th Street
French and American paintings from Manet to Matisse including works by O'Keefe and Price.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lasker
29 Beekman Place
Outstanding collection of Matisse and important paintings by Cezanne, Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, etc.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lowenthal
1150 Park Avenue
Extensive collection of American contemporary paintings.

Wednesday, May 23rd 3 - 6 P.M.

Dr. and Mrs. Harry Bakwin
132 East 71st Street
A very fine collection of painting and sculpture, mainly French, representing artists from Cezanne to Picasso.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neuberger
21 East 87th Street
One of the best known private collections of American painting.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Rockefeller
810 Fifth Avenue
Modern Italian, French and American painting and sculpture and a significant collection of primitive art.

Kindly indicate on the enclosed post card the collections for which you wish to receive tickets. 
Please do not request more than a total of six tickets in all.