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Conditions governing the receipt of loans

Unless arrangements to extend the loan have been made by The Museum of Modern Art, objects lent to it shall remain in its possession for the time specified on the face of this receipt, but may be withdrawn from exhibition at any time by the Director of Exhibitions or by the Trustees. Loans will be returned only to the owner or lender or his or her duly authorized agent or representative.

Under the terms of this agreement, The Museum of Modern Art will exercise the same care in respect to loans as it will in the safekeeping of its own property.

At the option of the lender, which option must be in writing, The Museum of Modern Art will insure objects lent to it under a fine arts policy against all ordinary risks in transit and while in its possession. The insurance referred to excludes loss or damage caused by war, invasion, hostilities, rebellion, insurrection, confiscation by order of any Government or public authority, risks of contraband or illegal transportation and, or trade. 

Otherwise the lender may continue his own insurance for the period of the loan. The Museum, however, will not accept responsibility for any errors or deficiencies in information furnished to the lender's insurers, or for lapses in insurance coverage, arising from this practice.

Unless The Museum of Modern Art is notified in writing to the contrary it is understood that objects lent to it, except original photographs lent for exhibition, may be photographed, sketched or reproduced.

If the objects described on the face of this receipt are for sale it is understood that the selling prices include ten percent commission for The Museum of Modern Art to help defray the cost of the exhibition and handling.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-25 08:15:31 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-24 19:25:29