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New York 22, N.Y.
September 18, 1964

Dear Miss Coffey:

It was pleasant to receive your letter of September 16th in connection with your exhibition of Old Master Spanish Still Life painting.

The lender's sheet you enclosed for my Firm's painting

"Still Life"

is being mailed directly to the Registrar in the envelope you were good enough to forward, and herewith you will find a photograph of the painting for Catalogue and publicity purposes, as per your request.

I understand that your Registrar will communicate by and by with our office concerning the collection of the picture.

To my chagrin, answering your query, I cannot think of any other Spanish Still Life in this country beside the ones that have been exhibited over the years and about which you are already posted.

Also, I am unfortunately unable to be of help regarding the Still Life by Juan Sanchez Cotan which you write about.

The Firm Arnold Seligmann, Rey and Company was an entirely different entity, in no way related to my Firm and, further, it was liquidtaed (liquidated) toward the end of the last war with the death of the different partners.

I feel certain your exhibition will meet with the success it truly deserves, and with all good wishes.

Sincerely yours,



Miss Katherine Coffey
The Newark Museum
43-49 Washington Street
Newark 1, New Jersey

Entered card 2/17/65 CH

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-24 10:28:55