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[[preprinted]]20[[/preprinted]] [[underlined]]Friday Oct 16, 1908[[/underlined]] H.1300 Time 22:30 First measures 2 in. eyepiece [[table]] |AM 1944|[[strikethrough]] AM 3370[[strikethrough]]|AM 3370|2 in. eyepiece| | |10.0|Reject (a mistake in taking the value of comp. star f)|10.0| | |^[[1 in. eyepiece]]AM 3664| |AM 5320| | |9.8| |n.s [[strikethrough]]>[[/strikethrough]]< d = 0.1|1 in. eyepiece| |AM 3306| |AM 5448|2 in. eyepiece| |9.8| |9.9| | |AM 1799| |AM 3444| | |10.0 Reject| |9.9| | |Thick Film| | | | | | |AM 3499| | |AM 3682| |10.0| | |10.1 Reject| | | | |Fine scratches on plate| |AM 1899| | | | |9.8| | |2 inch eyepiece AM 2645| |AM 1915| | | |8.7| |10.0| | |[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] 1 in. eyepiece|AM 1467| |AM 3557| | | |11.8 [[underlined]]very[[underlined]] faint|9.8| | |AM 2588| |AM 4134| | |10.2 Reject| |n.s. [[strikethrough]]>[[/strikethrough]]Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 21:46:52 Needs to be setup as a table with bars between columns. Please read instructions for this project.