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[[preprinted]]22[[/preprinted]] [[underlined]]Saturday Oct. 17, 1908[[/underlined]] H 1300 Time 22:40 First Measures contin. 2 in eyepiece 2 in eyepiece [[table]] |AM 5342|AM 1839|AM 2529|AM5375| |10.0 poor images|9.9|[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]] 9.1|9.8| |AM 4194|AM 2098|AM 2569|AM 5313| |10.7 good images|11.1|11.2|10.0 Images very faint 1 in. eyepiece| |AM 4300|AM 459|AM 1258| | |11.3|11.4 very indistinct 1 in. eyepiece|11.3 1 in eyepiece| | |AM 4364| AM 5525| AM 1229|AM 4901| |9.3|11.0|n.s. [[strikethrough]]>[[/strikethrough]][[/strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] Transcription Notes:
[[symbol - checkmark]] not needed as per Feb. meeting I added comments under plates in same column to avoid confusion.