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Friday Oct 2, 1908

H. 1299 Second Measurement

Time 23:50
Qin. eyepiece
[[3 column table]]
AM 2645|AM 5514|AM 5510
 |very faint.|
AM1467|f. faintest|AM5501
11.1|comp. star|11.0

Time 0:45
[[2 column table]]
AM 3682|AM 5512
10.4| 11.1
    | very faint
AM  3664|
10.6 | AM 5515

n.s. Time 1:00
[[3 column table]]
AM 5433| fainter than| AM 5500
11.6| l | 11.1
k appears brighter than h,|   |  
but this is unreliable bec. images are so faint.| AM 5513|AM5448
AM 5375| 11.1| 11.1
11.4| very faint|
 | | AM5440
ns|11.6|fainter than g
g [[strikethrough]]f[[/strikethrough]] faintest | thick film,|
comp. star 0.[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]] 1 | hit clear.|
 | | A< 5439
n.s|10.7|g. faintest star seen
h. fainted comp|
star: very faint|

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System