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[[underlined]]Monday, Oct. 19, 1908[[/underlined]]
H 1300
0:30  First measures continued
1 in. eyepiece
|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 4221|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 2042|[[symbol-check mark]]AM5046|
|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 4086|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 1389|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 3520|
|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 417|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 3621|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 4986|
|11.2|10. [[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]] 7|11.0|
|AM 2198|[[symbol-check mark]]AM 1363|   |
|Very faint [[strikethrough]]>[[/strikethrough]]< f =0.1|[[strikethrough]]>[[/strikethrough]][[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 14:36:02