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[[underlined]]Tuesday, December 16, 1908[[/underlined]]
Measures of Comparison Stars
Variable H 2892  2 in. eyepiece
2:45  Scale from I 32811  Marked on I 17552 and I 16629
[[image-star plot]]
I 17552
|a|4.8|5.0|5.1|5.05|0 1|
|b|5.1|5.3|5.5|5.40 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1|
|c|5.5|5.7|6.0|5.85 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 2|
|d|[[strikethrough]]6.0[[/strikethrough]] 5.7|6.9|6.2|6.05 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 2|
|e|6.2|6.4|6.3|6.36 0 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] |
|f|6.5|6.7|6.7|6.70 0 0|
|g|6.8|7.0|7.1|7.05 0 1|
|h|   |   |7.5|75 . a|

I 16764
|a|5.3|5.5|5.8|5.65 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 2|
|b|5.8|6.0|6.2|6.10 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1|
|c|6.0|6.2|6.3|6.25 0 1|
|d|6.2|6.4|6.5|6.45 0 1|
|e|6.3|6.5|6.7|6.60 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 1|
|f|6.5|6.7|7.0|6.85 [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]] 2|
|g|7.0|7.2|7.2|7.20| 0 0|
|h|   |   |8.0|8.0 . a|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 14:27:28