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[[preprinted]]30[[/preprinted]] Friday, Oct. 23, 1908 H 1300 23:00 Second Measures Cont. Third measures of discordant OK. 1 1/2 in eyepiece [[table]] |AM1799|AM417|AM3499| |9.9|10.5|10.4| |AM3682|AM2504|AM2738| |11.2|[[strikethrough]]n.s.[[/strikethrough]]11.2|9.2| | |[[strikethrough]]f=0.1[[/strikethrough]]| | |AM3306|1 in. eyepiece|AM1363| |9.8| |11.2| | |AM501| | |AM3664|10.8|AM1411| |9.8| |Reject reading| | |[[strikethrough]]AM3383[[/strikethrough]]|10.6| |AM1467|AM3604|for 10.6 read 11.1| |Indistinct|p .| | |[[strikethrough]]>[[/strikethrough]][[/strikethrough]] Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 15:08:33 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-26 08:46:37 It is strikethrough, not crossed-out. h should be p.