Viewing page 60 of 73

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[[underlined]]Friday January 29, 1909[[/underlined]]
H.2892 First measures   2 inch eyepiece
|AC107|   |AC1384|
|9.1|   |8.7|   
|C = 8.5|   |C = 8.5 [[underlined]]b[[/underlined]] is suspected of variability. It seems more than 0.5 magn. fainter than [[underlined]]a[[/underlined]].|   
|AC163|   |   |   
|9.3|1 in. eyepiece)|   |
|C = 8.5|   |   |   
|AC504|   |   |   
|8.6|   |   |   
|C = 8.5|   |   |   
|AC579|   |   |   
|8.6|   |   |   
|C = 8.2|images elongated but distinct|   |   
|AC1054|   |   |   
|8.9|   |   |   
|C = 8.2|   |   |   
|AC[[strikethrough]]118[[/strikethrough]]1309|Images faint|   |   
|8.6|   |   |   
|C = 8.4|   |   |   
|AC1317|images faint|   |   
|9.0|   |   |   
|C = 8.7|   |   |   

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-24 07:53:49 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-24 08:53:32 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 14:08:20