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[[preprinted]]18[[/preprinted]] 45KS Omit [[table]] |JD|Plate No.|W Aql.| |23698|AX 256|<12.8| |23914|AX 520|10| |23634|AX 566|10.5| |23935|AX 572|10| |23939|AX 577|10.7| |23962|AX 626|11.8| |23971|AX 678|11.9| |24047|AX 814|12.8| |24073|AX 861|<13.7| |24244|AX 1012|<13.3| |24289|AX 1063|[12.8?| |24328|AX 1204|11.6| |24346|AX 1217|9.9| |24401|AX 1305|9.9| |24627|AX 1581|<14.2| |24654|AX 1651|<13.7| |24682|AX 1705|12.8]?| |24699|AX 1731|<13.7| |24740|AX 1839|<13.7| |25388|AX 2431|10.8| |24049|MI 8814|13.3| |24411|MI 9817|9.9 near edge| |24413|MI 9839|10.8| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
1)Is the note at top right Print?
= Omit
2)Is the one heading as I have written? WAql. ql. may be quality. Definitely looks like a "q".
It refers to star W Aql. in the constellation Aquila
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 05:21:17