Viewing page 25 of 188

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

|J.D.|Plate No.|   |
|23645|MC 19951|14.5|
|23698|MC 20101|14.6|
|23910|MC 20754|9.9|
|23947|MC 20785|10.2 11]|
|23999|MC 20907|1.2|
|24060|MC 21013|13.2|
|24760|MC 22051|<14.6|
|24767|MC 22066| 14.7|
I have not yet noted any variations in 173 & for awhile I thought W Aql might be 173 & so I did this estimation for W Aql, which I did not finish, as I suppose W Aql has already been done.
Look on AX 256 for seq, as I transferred it in part, and on MC 20101. yes, it has been done.