Viewing page 29 of 188

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.


|94 ^[[[[dotted underlined]45 Ks[[/dotted underlined]]]]|133^[[[[symbol-arrow left (to edge of left side)]]{45 Ks Transferred from MF 8814 to below, around star]]  [[image]] 14.4^[[14.0]] <16^[[15.7]] 14.2^[[14.3]] 138^[[[[symbol-check mark]]]] ^[[45 Ks Seq for 133]]|127^[[45 Ks Seq for 133]]|57^[[[[symbol-check mark]]]] ^[[45 Ks Seq for 133]]|148^[[[[symbol-check mark]]]] ^[[45 Ks Seq for 133]]|80^[[45 Ks Seq transferred on MF8814 as below. around star]] ^[[copied]]|^[[Seq transferred from 45KS on MI8814]]|

|[[image]]|[[image]] 13.2^[[13.4]] 14.2^[[14.3]]  16 13.6 Transferred seq. 15.4^[[15.4]]|[[image]]|[[image]]|[[image]]|[[image]] 16 13.4 15.5 15.6 15 14 14.5 13|[[image]]|[[image]] 13.3^[[13.3]] 14.1^[[14.5]]13.7^[[15.2]] 13.1^[[13]] 13.2^[[13.2]] 15.4^[[15.5]] 15.5^[[15.6]] 14.4^[[14.9]] 15.9^[[15.7]] 16 [[right margin]]138 143[[/right margin]]| 
|14.9^[[15.2]]|13.6^[[13.9]]|<16^[[<16]]|15.2^[[15.2]]|<15.9^[[<16]]|15.8^[[15.6]]|14|   |
|13.3^[[13.3]]|15.4^[[15.4]]|14.1^[[14.2]]|<16^[[<16]]|<15.9^[[<16]]|16^[[15.9]]|14.1|   |
|15.2^[[15.3?]]|13.7^[[14]]|<16^[[<16]]|15.4^[[15.4]]|near edge|[16^15.7]]|-|
|[[16^[[[[16]]|14.3^[[14.4]]|14.4^[[<14.6]]|15.^[[15]]|<15.9^[[<16]]|<[[16?]]|13.9|transferred [[symbol-check mark]]|
|[[16^[[[[16]]|14.3^[[14.4]]|14.4^<14.6]]|15.3^[[15.3]]|<15.9^[[<16]]|<16^[[<16]]|14 on edge|
|[[16^[[[[16]]|14.4^[[14.6]]|14.5^[[14.7]]|15.4^[[15.4]]|<15.9^[[<16]]|<16^[[<16]]|13.5 on edge|
|[[16^[[[[16]]|14.2^[[14.3]]|<16^[[16]]|<16^[[<16]]|13.7^[[14.2]]|<16^[[15.7|13.8|   |
|=16.5|   |   |   |   |   |   |    |
[[left margin]]
I should have used Nova Sgr 1 sequence for this region, but I did not have it at the time. After I received it, I compared my transferred sequences with Nova Sgr 1 Seq. & made the corrections in red.
The red magnitudes are more accurate & the best. On the computation sheets the Nova Sgr 1 Seq ma

Transcription Notes:
Note: Star plots are to be transcribed as [[image]]. - in special instructions. Note: Corrections are noted by red pen - according to the notes on the right under REMARKS. The blue are related to the star plots with the changes in red. Note: Transcribe large star plot and remarks on right of page after the table as they relate to the entire page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 08:58:44 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 13:19:19