Viewing page 31 of 188

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{(RIGHT MARGIN)} [[preprinted]]25[[/preprinted]] {(RIGHT MARGIN/}

[[7 Columned Table]]
{(FIRST COLLUMN)} {94} {(FIRST COLLUMN/} [[symbol-check mark]] {(SECOND COLLUMN)} |133| {(SECOND COLLUMN/} {(THIRD COLLUMN)}  |138| [[symbol-check mark]]|127|57[[symbol-check mark]]|148[[symbol-check mark]]|80^copied|
|about 14.4^[[about 14.9]]|14.2^[[14.3|<16?^[[<16?]]|15.3^[[15.3]]|14.5^[[15]]|15.4^[[15.4]]|14.2?^[[pl. has marks]]|
|[15.9^[[16]]|off pl.|off pl.|off pl.|14.4^[[14.9]]|off pl.|13.8|
|[[16^[[[[16]]|14.1^[[14.2]]|[[16^[[[[16]]|<16^[[<16]]|pl. defect|<16^[[<16]]|14.3|

With some of the stars I let 15.9 be the faintest of the seq. & with some I let 16 be the fainest. In seq. on MF 8814 15.9 is faintest.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-31 21:42:02 Not sure if it's necessary to include brackets around superscript or not.