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[[left margin]] [[symbol check-mark]] 601
If corr. image measured: not var [[/left margin]]

|B.D. No.|R.A. (1900)^[[alpha]]|Dec. (1900)^[[delta]]|delta alpha|delta delta|
|-7 4763|18^[[h]] 48^[[m]]52.09^[[s]]|-7 [[symbol degree]] 43' 18.8"|46.5|27.3|
|-8 4789|18^[[h]] 53^[[m]] 21.11^[[s]]|-8 [[symbol degree]] 22' 31.8"[symbol - checkmark]]|18.5|12.0|
|   |[[formula]]|[[formula]]|[[formula]]|[[formula]]|

[[margin]] 1930/11/19 [symbol - checkmark]]This is I [[subscript]]2[[/subscript]] 508 is +0.45^[[mm]] in R.A. and -0.1^[[mm]] in Dec. [[/margin]]
|   | alpha (1900)|delta (1900)|   |   |
|-7 4867|19 3 38.76|-7 10 32.5|4.6|6.6|
|-7 4856|19 2 13.68|-7 33 17.7|16.5|16.1|
|   |[[formula]]|[[formula]]|[[formula]]|[[formula]]|

[[margin]] Marked on A 10105[[symbol - checkmark]] [[strikethrough]]508. I[[/strikethrough]] 508 [[/margin]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|   |19 3 22.3|-7 17.3|   |   |
|   |19 3 20. [[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]] 5|-7 17.2|   |   |

[[margin]] [symbol - checkmark]]Marked on A 10467 512 [[/margin]]
|   |R.A. (1875)|1 yr. prec.|Dec. (1875)|1 yr prec.|   |   |
|+0 4166|19^[[h]] 12^[[m]] 7.74^[[s]]|+3.0679^[[s]]|+0 11 52.6|+6.208"|52.1|30.6|
|-0 3662|19^[[h]] 3^[[m]] 25. [[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]4^[[s]]|+3.0863|-0 37 38.2|+5.480|78.6|19.1|
|25 yr precession on alpha 7.89" delta 147.9"|[[formula]]|   |[[formula]]|   |[[formula]]|[[formula]]|

|1875 position|19^[[h]] 8^[[m]] 37.2^[[s]] [[circle]]406[[/circle]]|-0 [[symbol degree]] 19.6'|
|25 yr. prec.|76.89^[[s]][[strikethrough]]+3.1^[[s]][[/strikethrough]]|147.9"[[strikethrough]]+5.4^[[s]][[/strikethrough]]|
|1900 position|[[strikethrough]] 19^[[h]] 8^[[m]] 40.3^[[s]] -0 [[symbol degree]] 18.5" [[/strikethrough]] 19^[[h]] 9^[[m]] 54.1^[[s]]|-0 [[symbol degree]] 16.1'|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 12:47:00