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[[margin]] [[strikethrough]]514[[/strikethrough]] See corrected calculations [[/margin]]

|BD No.|RA (1875)^[[alpha]]|Dec (1875)^[[delta]]|delta alpha| delta delta|
|-0 3 742|19^[[h]] 19^[[m]] 53.00^[[s]]| -0 [[symbol degree]] 20 '46.0"|65.0 |36.4|
|-1 3716|19^[[m]] 14^[[m]] 8.66^[[s]][symbol - checkmark]]| -1 [[symbol degree]] 7' 23.4"|21.0|10.4|
|   |[[formula]]|[[formula]]|[[formula]]|[[formula]]|

[[margin]] Marked on A 10467 [[/margin]]
|1875 position|19^[[h]] 17^[[m]] 14.9^[[s]] [[circle .46[[/circle|-0 [[symbol degree]] 45.6'|
|25 yr prec.|77.20"[symbol - checkmark]]|165.77"[symbol - checkmark]]|
|1900 position|[[strikethrough]] 19^[[h]] 17^[[m]] 18.0^[[s]]|-0 [[symbol degree]] 45.5'[[/strikethrough]] 19^[[h]] 18^[[m]] 32.1^[[s]]|-0 [[symbol degree]] 42.8'|

[[margin]] [symbol - checkmark]]603 Marked on A 10467 [[/margin]]
|-0 3663|19^[[h]] 3^[[m]] 31.08^[[s (1875)]]|3.0894|-0 [[symbol degree]] 45' 44.5"^[[(1875)]]|47.0|+5.487|11.1|
|-1 3645|18^[[h]] 59^[[m]] 36.64^[[s]]|3.0954|-1 [[symbol degree]] 1 35.4"|11.5|+5.158|4.8|
|   |[[formula]]|   |[[formula]]|   |[[formula]]|[[formula]]|
|1875 position|19^[[h]] 0^[[m]] 22.4^[[s]] [[circle.808[[/circle]]|-0 [[symbol degree]] 56.8'|
|25 yr prec.|77.36"|[[strikethrough]]+3.1^[[s]][[/strikethrough]]|130.6"[[strikethrough]]+5.3^[[s]][[/strikethrough]]|
|1900 position|[[strikethrough]] 19^[[h]] 0^[[m]] 25.5^[[s]]|-0 [[symbol degree]] 56.7'[[/strikethrough]] 19^[[h]] 1^[[m]] 39.8^[[s]]| -0 [[symbol degree]] 54.6'|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-03 12:28:30 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-05 20:00:14 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-08 00:28:45