Viewing page 135 of 188

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[margin]] [[double check mark]]608
[[strikethrough]]if corr. image[[/strikethrough]] Correct Marked on A 7721[[/margin]]

[[6 column table]]
|B.D no.|R.A. (1900)^[[alpha]]| Dec(1900)^[[delta]]|delta alpha| 
  |delta delta|
|-2 4881|19^[[h]] 5^[[m]] 57.41^[[s]]|-2 [[symbol degree]] 47' 58.7"|13.0|   |23.1|
|-3 4499|19^[[h]] 4^[[m]] 32.40^[[s]]|-3 [[symbol degree]] 50' 19.9"|8.0|   |39.4|
|   |85.01|62' 21.2"|21.0|   |62.5|
|   |19^[[h]] 5^[[m]] 4.7^[[s]]|-3 [[symbol degree]] 11.0'|   |52.7|   |
|   |5^[[m]] 4.8^[[s]]|-3 [[symbol degree]] 10.9'|   |82.4|   |
|   |19^[[h]] 5^[[m]] 4.8^[[s]]|-3 [[symbol degree]] 11.0'|   |   |   |

[[margin]] [[symbol double check mark]] 501 [[strikethrough]] if corr image[[/strikethrough]] Marked on A 7721[[/margin]]

[[6 column table]]
|   |R.A. (1900)|Dec (1900) [[symbol check mark]]|   |   |   |
|-2 4872|19^[[h]] 3^[[m]] 39.49^[[s]]|-2 [[symbol degree]] 2.6' 47.7"|48.0|   |26.0|
|-3 4475|19^[[h]] 0^[[m]] 21.22^[[s]] [[symbol check mark]]|-3 [[symbol degree]]0' 31.1" [[symbol check mark]]|2.0|   |7.5|
|   |198.27|33' 4.34"|50.0|   |33.5|
|   |0^[[m]]28.7^[[s]]|-2 [[symbol degree]] 52.8'|   |190.7|   |
|   |0^[[m]] 28.9|-2 [[symbol degree]] 53.0'|   |7.7|   |
|   |19^[[h]] 0^[[m]] 28.8^[[s]]|-2 [[symbol degree]] 52.9'|   |   |   |

[[margin]] [[strikethrough]] 602[[/strikethrough]] See corrected measurements [[/margin]]
[[6 column table]]
|   |R.A. (1900)|Dec. (1900)|   |   |   |
-2 4840|18^[[h]] 58^[[m]] 58.17^[[s]]|-2 [[symbol degree]] 10' 38.4" [[symbol check mark]]|9.2|   |21.8|
|-3 4466|18^[[h]] 58^[[m]] 4.20^[[s]]|-2 [[symbol degree]] 56' 2.3"|4.3|   |23.8|
|   |53.97|45' 23.9"|13.5|   |45.6|
|   |58^[[m]] 21.7^[[s]]|-2 [[symbol degree]] 32.4'|   |36.5|   |
|   |58^[[m]] 21.9^[[s]]|-2 [[symbol degree]] 32.2'|   |17.2|   |
|   |18^[[h]] 58^[[m]] 21.8^[[s]]|-2 [[symbol degree]] 32.3'|   |   |   |

John G Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics * Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
not finished ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-03 12:53:59 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-06 09:22:26