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These RB+RH plates measured are all good, except that our area is in the corners, and the images are usually elongated and fuzzy. 

Area in the upper right corner.
|RB + RH|82|^[[of corner of plate {]]246|{147|{187^[[Merges with neighbors if plate slightly fuzzy]]|MV|262|[[strikethrough]]GY[[strikethrough]]WW|GY|191|
|1800 -15 fuzzy 1261|26218|12.9::|NS<12.8|NS<12.8|NS<12.8|at edge of crack in plate 12.6:|off|off|NS<12.1|NS<12.1|
|^[[fuzzy at edges]] 1753|26484|NS<13.7|NS<13.0|NS<13.0|NS<13.0|NS<13.7|14.0::|NS<13.1|NS<13.1|12.6|

|3222|26913|12.6|[[check mark]]|NS<12.4|NS<12.4|NS<12.4|NS<12.8|11.6:|NS<12.4|NS<12.4|12.0|
|^[[very fuzzy at edge]] 8095|29083|NS<14.4|NS<12.8|NS<12.8|NS<12.8|12.0|edge|NS<13.1|NS<12.4|NS<12.4|
|Sequence used|   |V|VIII|VIII|VIII|V|   |IX|   |   |

Transcription Notes:
" had to be transcribed Changed "empty to | | Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 11:33:45 Not finished. Need to hit "Save" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-26 19:25:39 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 09:03:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 10:49:30