Viewing page 9 of 212

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[[preprinted]] 3 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|1|+20 4410|19 58.1|+20 40.6|9.0|
|2|+20 4420|19 59.2|+20 39.7|8.3|
|3|+18 4380|19 59.2|+18 50.9|8.8|
|4|+18 4375|19 58.2|+18 30.6|8.9|
|5|+18 4368|19 56.5|+18 19.2|9.0|
|6|+18 4366|19 56.8|+18 16.8|8.2|
|7|+17 4205|19 57.1|+17 56.6|8.6|
|8|+17 4202|19 56.6|+17 31.4|9.0|
|9|+17 4215|19 59.2|+17 10.5|8.5|
|10|+17 4216|19 59.4|+17 50.2|8.5|
|11|+18 4393|20 1.6|+18 26.7|8.2|
|12|+18 4395|20 1.9|+18 12.3|8.2|
|13|+18 4402|20 2.8|+18 39.9|7.3|
|14|+18 4404|20 3.1|+18 21.7|8.0|
|15|+18 4407|20 3.3|+18 10.3|9.0|
|16|+17 4237|20 3.5|+17 48.4|8.5|
|17|+17 4235|20 3.0|+17 42.0|8.2|
|18|+17 4233|20 2.7|+17 55.3|8.8|
|19|+16 4165|20 3.0|+16 59.9|8.0|
|20|+17 4225|20 1.0|+17 14.0|8.8|
|21|+18 4420|20 5.0|+18 3.5|8.2|
|22|+18 4417|20 4.8|+18 56.6|7.5|
|23|+18 442[[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]]2|20 5.[[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]]3|+18 [[strikethrough]] 3.5 [[/strikethrough]] 55.4|8.2|
|24|+19 4312|20 5.3|+19 38.9|8.6|
|25|+19 4322|20 6.4|+19 6.5|7.6|
|26|+19 4342|20 9.2|+19 31.4|8.6|
|27|+19 4334|20 8.1|+19 10.5|8.9|
[[annotation]] +17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4234 Mag. 9.0 Super. [[strikethrough]] n. pre. [[/strikethrough]] [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-12 15:32:26