Viewing page 25 of 212

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[[preprinted]] 19 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|28|+4[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4798|21 58.4|+4 39|8.0|
|29|+4[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4800|21 58.4|+4 22|5.0|
|30|+4[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4801|21 58.6|+4 10|7.7|
|31|+4[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4804|21 59.3|+4 30|7.5|
|32|+3[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4669|22 1.6|+3 32|8.0|
|33|+5[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4961|22 2.9|+5 29|3.4|
|34|+6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4981|22 4.7|+6 11|7.9|
|35|+6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4984|22 5.4|+6 42|8.3|
|36|+5[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4968|22 4.6|+5 35|8.4|
|37|+6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4970|22 1.9|+6 46|8.0|
|38|+7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4806|22 2.8|+7 15|8.0|
|39|+3[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4640|21 50.2|+3 29|7.3|
|40|+3[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4644|21 51.2|+3 5|7.2|
|41|+4[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4753|21 42.6|+4 32|7.8|
|42|+5[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4882|21 43.5|+5 6|8.1|
|[[strikethrough]]43[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   |
|[[strikethrough]]44[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   | 
|[[strikethrough]]45[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   |
Identified here Feb. 11 1915 L.D.W.
Identified on cards by A.M.C. Feb. 13, 1915 
Identification compared by G.R.B. Feb. 15, 1915

|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|43 [[strikethrough]]46[[/strikethrough]]|+10 4676|21 54.9|+10 16 6.5|8 on S38114|
|44 [[strikethrough]]47[[/strikethrough]]|+7 4779|21 54.0|+7 34 5.8|119 on S38114|
|45 [[strikethrough]]48[[/strikethrough]]|+10 4666|21 51.7|+10 19 9.0|3 on S38114|
|46 [[strikethrough]]49[[/strikethrough]]|+8 4800|   |   |1 on B14693|
|47 [[strikethrough]]50[[/strikethrough]]|+6 4957|   |   |23 on B14191|
|[[strikethrough]]51[[/strikethrough]]   |   |   |   |   |   |
|[[strikethrough]]52[[/strikethrough]]   |   |   |   |   |   |
|[[strikethrough]]53[[/strikethrough]]   |   |   |   |   |   |
|[[strikethrough]]53[[/strikethrough]]   |   |   |   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-13 21:46:18