Viewing page 36 of 212

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[[preprinted]] 30 [[/preprinted]]
Monday, July 27, 1914.
B38064 short
|298|5|B9|   |
|298a|1|A0|   |
|299|5|F0|   |
|300|2|A0|Another star sup.?|
|301|4|B9|   |
|302|5|G5|   |
|303|3|A3|   |
|304|6|B9|   |
|305|4|G5|   |
|306|2|A0|   |
|307|3|A0|   |
|308|2|K5|   |
|309|5|G0|   |
|310|4|K0|   |
|311|7|A2|   |
|312|3|A2|   |
|313|3|G5|   |
|314|4|F0|   |
|315|6|F0|   |
|316|5|B9|   |
|317|4|A0|   |
|318|4|K0|   |
|319|4|B9|   |
|320|3|B9|   |
|321|3|G0|   |
|322|3|A2|   |
|323|3|A5|   |
|324|4|Ma|   |
[[annotation]] 10:23 [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 21:30:52 Phaedra has special instructions, please read them. Add preprinted tags around page number 4 columned table should be table remove left margin and move 10:23 above table