Viewing page 39 of 212

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[[preprinted]] 33 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|325|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5589|19 12.2|-17 23.5 |9.0|
|326|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5598|19 13.3|-17 30.5 |7.2|
|327|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5604|19 14.6|-17 47.4 |8.2|
|328|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5689|19 15.4|-17 27.7 |7.0|
|329|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5339|19 15.0|-18 15.8 |9.0|
|330|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5341|19 15.1|-18 7.8 |8.5|
|331|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5608|19 15.3|-17 52.4 |8.8|
|332|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5335|19 14.5|-18 15.5 |9.0|
|333|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5621|19 17.0|-17 1.1 |7.9|
|335|-16[[symbol - degree symbol]] 5293|19 15.3|-16 5.3 |7.8|
[[annotation]] -18[[symbol — degree symbol]]5338 magn. 9.0[[strikethrough]] 5340 9.0 [[strikethrough]] 9.0 [[/strikethrough]]} [[/annotation]]
[[annotation]] sup. very close. [[/annotation]]

Ident on cards by A.M.C July 27 1915
Ident in Book by M.A.H [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] Aug. 4, 1915
Identification compared by G.R.B. August 12, 1915

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 21:33:13 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-20 21:01:00