Viewing page 26 of 212

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[[preprinted]] 20 [[/preprinted]]
Monday, July 27, 1914
B 38064 short
|163|3|K0|   |
|164|7|B9|   |
|165|2|K0|   |
|166|3|K2|   |
|167|2|G0|   |
|168|2|K2|   |
|169|2|K5|   |
|170|2|K0|   |
|171|4|A5|   |
|172|7|A2|   |
|173|3|A2|   |
|174|2|G0|   |
|175|2|F8|   |
|176|6|K0|   |
|177|7|K0|   |
|178|9|A3|   |
|179|8|A0|   |
|180|5|A2|   |
|181|2|A2|   |
|182|3|K0|   |
|183|4|A0|   |
|184|2|A0|   |
|185|1|F8|   |
|186|2|F0|   |
|187|7|B5|   |
|188|5|A5|   |
|189|1|K5|   |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-16 14:29:49 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-16 15:03:46 - remove checkmarks, they are never transcribed for Phaedra project, because there are so many - Y's in Class column should be G's, There are seven classes of stars, which are O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. - blank columns should be 3 spaces - add [[/table]] at end of table