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[[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|28|+23 222|1 33.5|+23 26.7|8.0|
|29|+23 226|1 34.7|+23 37.2|9.0|
|30|+24 257|1 37.8|+24 19.2|8.3|
|31|+24 258|1 38.0|+24 3.2|8.2|
|32|+23 236|1 39.2|+23 39.5|8.3|
|33|+23 241|1 40.8|+23 14.0|8.4|
|34|+20 283|1 39.2|+20 27.5|8.2|
|35|+19 245|1 21.5|+19 43.5|8.3|
|36|+19 269|1 29.2|+19 57.4|8.5|
|37|+19 277|1 33.7|+19 6.1|8.2|
|38|+25 192|1 5.7|+25 41.0|7.5|
|39|+25 194|1 5.8|+25 28.5|7.5|
|40|+25 197|1 6.2|+25 3.4|8.3|
|41|+24 190|1 5.7|+24 14.3|8.2|
|42|+23 173|1 10.3|+23 6.6|8.3|
|43|+22 210|1 10.9|+22 52.9|8.7|
|44|+24 200|1 13.7|+24 4.6|8.3|
|45|+23 180|1 14.3|+23 53.4|8.7|
|46|+24 205|1 14.5|+24 6.3|8.5|
|47|+23 184|1 15.4|+23 44.6|8.0|
|48|+24 217|1 19.9|+24 55.9|7.9|
|49|+23 195|1 20.5|+23 38.4|9.0|
|50|+25 238|1 17.1|+25 46.0|8.5|
|51|+26 233|1 17.7|+26 6.8|8.5|
|52|+26 231|1 16.4|+26 49.5|8.5|
|53|+27 206|1 9.1|+27 13.8|8.0|
|54|+27 196|1 6.1|+27 47.2|7.5|