Viewing page 18 of 222

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[[preprinted]] 12[[/preprinted]]
Friday, Oct 9, 1914
|55|4|F2|   |
|56|3|F8|   |
|57|2|G5|   |
|58|2|G5|   |
|59|2|F2|   |
|60|2|K0|   |
|61|2|A2|   |
|62|1|G5|   |
|63|2|F8|   |
|64|2|A2|   |
|65|4|F2|   |
|66|3|G5|   |
|67|2|G5|   |
|68|7|K5|   |
|69|1|K0|   |  
|70|1|K0|   |
|71|3|A2|   |
|72|2|F5|   | 
|73|4|F5|   |
|74|1|G5|   |
|75|2|A0|   |
|76|2|G0|   |
|77|2|F8|   |
|78|2|G0|   |
|79|1|G5|   |
|80|1|K2|   |
|81|4|G0|   |

Transcription Notes:
F18 should be F8; f12 should be F2 also needs bar before 3rd column. See completes pages first Reopened for Editing 2024-07-08 16:25:52 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-08 23:38:25 blank cells need to be 3 spaces per instructions. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-09 13:51:23 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-07-09 17:36:44