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[[preprinted]] 33 [[/preprinted]]
|   |   |   |   |   |
|105|-19[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4091|15 14.9|-19 16|8.3|
|106|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4047|15 14.2|-18 59|9.0|
|107|-18[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4050|15 14.8|-18 19|8.7|
|108|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4317|15 14.0|-17 44|8.8|
|109|-17[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4314|15 13.1|-17 42|8.8|
Ident. on cards by A.M.C. April 13, 1915
Ident. in book by J.C.M. April 20, 1915
identification compared by G.R.B. April 22, 1915

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-09 11:22:47