Viewing page 19 of 232

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[[preprinted]] 13 [[/preprinted]] 
|   |   |   |   |   |
|53|-6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4519|16 47.7|-6 5.2|9.2|
|54|-5[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4378|16 48.0|-5 53.2|7.5|
|55|-6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4522|16 48.2|-6 58.8|8.9|
|56|-5[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4390|16 57.8|-5 36.4|8.6|
|57|-6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4531|16 51.4|-6 20.3|9.3|
|58|-7[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4387|16 52.7|-7 9.1|8.7|
|59|-8[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4379|16 55.2|-8 3.0|9.7|
|60|-6[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4546|16 57.6|-6 54.2|8.8|
|61|-8[[symbol - degree symbol]] 4386|16 58.6|-8 20.1|8.8|
Ident. on cards by A.M.C. June 21, 1915.
Ident. in Book by M.A.H. July 3, 1915.
Compared by M.A.H. July 8, 1915

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-08-01 10:51:42