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[[preprinted]] 2 [[/preprinted]]
New Objects of Peculiar Spectrum 
|   |   |   |   |
|-57[[symbol - degree symbol]] 10676|16 56.9 -51 15|8.6|B3p. H[[beta]] bright A3563 .Bk.143, 58|
|   |   |   |Nb UV Aquilae A8335 Bk.143,55|
|184 10676|13 40.7 -37 30^[[(1875)]]|   |Md A6431 p.64. H[[delta]] bright. measure position on B32211.| 
|[[strikethrough]] 10676|14 39.4 -67 57 ^[[(1875)]]|   |Nb A4502 143, 68 [May be defective. Confirm. [Measure on A5207 (marked)] [[/strikethrough]]|
|-11460|17 15.3 -36 22^[[(1875)]]|9.5|R3 A6428 [[underlined]] 143 [[/underlined]],72 [Enter in H.D. 17^[[h]] at printer]|
|183 -11460|17 54.5 -47 14^[[(1875) ]]|9.5|Md Var new. 143, 47 A4505|
|2166|12 4.8 -63 26|9.5|H[[beta]] bright H.D. 105675. A3600 143,77|
|185 2166| 15 1 -14 57|9.5| Md Var. New. 143,90 A8338.|
|14673|18 49.1 -32 23|9.5| Pd A6439,143,71 [[[eta]] in H.C. 196!]|
|180 5170|10 23.2 -50 32|10.0|Md A4344, 143, 100|
|186|   |   |[[strikethrough]] MD A4351, 143, 99 [[/strikethrough]]|
|3171|15 467 -65 52|9.9^[[Pluting?]]|Pec. P Cygni B21785 1466, B21785. In H.A. 96.  Has this been announced?|
|188 9373|14 52.7 -41 59|9.6| Md B 39337 143, 14|
|9373|16 35.4 -62 26|9.6|Pf A3611, 143, 107|
|9373|16 45.1-6 44|9.6| Pee P Cygni Y[[Tu?]] [Same as|
|189 9373|17 1.9 -61 50| 9.6|Nb var.|
|9373|12 36.6 62 24^[[(1875)]]|9.6|Oa A3600, 143, 27|
[[annotation]]not in H.C.76. In H.A.56, as AP Hyd bright. mb in H.C.196, 184, 178, [[M?]][[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
See first 5 rows for correct format ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-19 08:38:44