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[[preprinted]] 56 [[/preprinted]]

April 24, 1922
MF784[[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]]6 17 24 -31 
[[strikethrough]] Two plate w. item nr. 
19 15 -16 
very narrow. [[/strikethrough]] Load 4[[strikethrough]] 0[[/strikethrough]]4  [[strikethrough]] Width 0.2[[/strikethrough]]
Clock running poorly [[strikethrough]] (slightly), but very good plate[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] nothing found[[/strikethrough]]

1   F if the type   [[strikethrough]] No northern charts found.  Repeat region.[[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] new[[/strikethrough]]  2   Var.  RW Scorpii
RW Scorpii  MF7824
Ident.  7 03 +5.5  [[strikethrough]] 7 03 -11[[/strikethrough]]

very good plate.  Faint stars much better than on H.D. plate.

not identifying.  I have recollection of setting at +11.  Identify in Cambridge. No B on charts here.
Tes. set N. instead of S.  Ident. 7 4 +5.5 approx.

1   Class N.
Good width & def.

2  H[[delta]] bright 7 +5[[symbol - degree symbol]] 15 23   6 56 20.3 +5 21.1 (7.8)
Looked up for variability by L.D.W. who found none.  See cover of 7824
narrow.  1.2+  good.
This seems to be correct