Viewing page 25 of 198

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[[preprinted]] 57 [[/preprinted]]

April 24, 1922
MF 7831 

17 08 -36
Identifies 17 9 -[[strikethrough]] 37 8[[/strikethrough]]36 50

1.   Md 
R [[strikethrough]] T[[/strikethrough]] W Scorpii
Sp. ft. Probably Mb

2.   Oa
Known 17 11.8 -34 18

[[strikethrough]] 2.   Md[[/strikethrough]]

3   Md
RT Scorpii

4   Gas. neb  17 7.0  -37 0

5   Oa  17 18.5  -34 6

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-15 08:58:41